Ever buy batteries, or a toothbrush, or some earphones so encased in plastic that you couldn't open the package? Who invented these things? They call 'em blister packs... plastic packaging made for easy shipment, resistance to damage, and neat store display. The thing is, when you get the item home, you'll need a team of experts with sharp tools to extract it for your. This is a picture of a tool designed to open "difficult to open" packaging. And... you guessed it... it's packaged in difficult to open packaging!
About a year ago I gave up newspapers. Too bulky, a waste of paper, and I got all the news I could digest from the internet. I love the way I can skim through articles on my smartphone. .. it's efficient and easy to access. But on a recent getaway to a sunny spot in California, I was reintroduced to The Paper. And it's better. .. lots better. In the wake of dwindling circulation, the LA Times has retooled, with a narrower, easy to handle format, a clean layout, and what's seems to be. .. fewer ads? In other words, it's fantastic. And so I did something i swore I'd never do. I resubscribed. Maybe, just maybe... the tactile experience of the morning paper isn't dead. Plus, now if I ever need to wrap a fish, I've got something to wrap it in.
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